TLV News: keep track of Tel Aviv’s real estate jungle
Will this be the year you finally move into that dream apartment in Tel Aviv? We at ProperTLV are ready to help you with that. Just as we are keeping track of the latest news about Tel Aviv’s real estate jungle. What are the main – English language – media writing about the market, future projects and other news about one of the best cities in the world.
Of course there is the overview from Globes about recent deals in Tel Aviv and the rest of Israel. To get a taste of how the prices are nowadays:
For many people Tel Aviv is too expensive to fin a nice place to live. Prices are high and there is shortage of apartments. That’s why Tel Aviv City Hall is working with an American real estate company to open co-ling spaces in the city’s downtown area:
House prices in Israel have risen moren than 100% in the last ten years. One of the problems is the amount of ‘ghost apartments’, where rich people from abroad only spend a few weeks a year. There are 4 times more ghost apartments that the government previously thought, totaling almost 160.000. Times of Israel has the story: